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到達後 60000 キロメートル, これらの部品は交換する必要があります

車のメンテナンスが必要であることは誰もが理解しています, but most people don’t understand how to maintain them. 彼らは車のメンテナンスのために4Sストアが提供する推奨プランに従うだけです.
実際には, 私たちは車のメンテナンスに関する常識を持たなければなりません, 以下のような部分. どんなに噂が流れても, で置き換える必要があります 60000 キロメートル.

なぜなら 60000 キロメートルは “大きなハードル” 新車用, これらのコンポーネントが適時に交換されない場合, 安全上の危険を放置するのは簡単です!
車のオーナーへの提案: 到達後 60000 キロメートル, even if these parts are not damaged, they should be replaced. Don’t let it go by ear!

1. Whole vehicle oil

例えば, brake oil, antifreeze, 等, are also one of the factors that prevent vehicle malfunctions. After driving 100000 キロメートル, it is particularly necessary to change to a higher level of oil. Engine components may experience strain after 100000 キロメートル. Using a higher level of oil can protect critical components and slow down the occurrence of excessive strain on engine components.

2. Brake pads

When driving on the road, the car’s configuration needs to be checked multiple times and replaced in a timely manner. It cannot be achieved overnight, especially if there is a problem with the brake system, which can easily cause malfunction. したがって、, the mechanic reminds everyone that when the car travels 60000 キロメートル, it must be replaced in a timely manner. It has already reached an extreme time.

3. Gasoline filter

This component usually needs to be replaced after 60000 キロメートル, because its existence is to filter out impurities in the car fuel, making our engine more powerful and powerful. If we don’t replace the engine when it needs to be replaced, we will find that our car’s fuel consumption is gradually increasing and accelerating, lacking strength, and even accompanied by various abnormal noises, leading to the engine entering the edge of scrapping.

4. Tire replacement cycle

一般的に言えば, car tires can last for 5-8 years or travel 50000 に 100000 キロメートル. These values are not absolute and need to be determined based on actual usage. Road conditions, 運転習慣, maintenance, tire quality, and other factors can all affect their specific lifespan.

Tire grooves are generally designed with wear indicator points. If severe tire wear is found and the tire is approaching the indicator point position, it needs to be replaced in a timely manner. Daily inspections should be conducted to check for cracks, bulges, and other conditions. If the cracks are large and deep, and bulges occur, they must be replaced in a timely manner.

5. 炭素堆積物を定期的に除去する

ほとんどの車の所有者にとって, 彼らは車の炭素堆積についてはよく知らないかもしれません, しかし、ほとんどの車所有者は炭素堆積物を除去する方法について混乱しているようです.
しかしながら, 炭素堆積物の除去用, ほとんどの人はあまり馴染みがないので, 車の主要部品のほとんどは作られていないだけです. しかしながら, 長期にわたるカーボンの蓄積も車のパフォーマンスに一定の影響を与えます。.

What are the hazards of not cleaning up engine carbon deposits in a timely manner?

The engine is the ‘heartof a vehicle, and oil is the ‘bloodthat flows inside the ‘heart’, but did you know?

During the operation of the engine, carbon deposits can occur. Minor carbon deposits do not require special treatment. If excessive carbon deposits adhere to the engine’s intake valves, シリンダー, pistons, 点火プラグ, and other parts, attention should be paid!