» 消息 » 行业新闻 » 汽车停久了油都沉底了怎么办?


停了很久之后, 油确实会沉到底部, 但并不是全部都会,因为油泵里有一些阀门, 和其他油路中的止回阀, 这样油就不会沉到底部. 除油路中的单向阀外, 油有附着力, 当油粘附到机器上时, 它形成一层油膜。虽然 90% 的机油已经流入发动机油底壳, some of the oil passages are still there and the oil filter is still there. As long as the engine is started, under normal oil passage conditions, it will quickly reach all corners of the engine. This is also when the engine has not been started for a long time, and the oil pressure is not yet set when the engine is started.

The noise of the engine can be quite loud, and engine wear is normal. The engine is currently the largest. If the car is parked for a long time, it is almost impossible for the internal parts of the engine to store oil, which means that there is no protective film on the surface of these parts at this time, and a small amount of oil remains on these parts.It can also condense with impurities such as iron filings due to prolonged non circulation. The next time the owner wants to start the car, the internal components of the engine must first overcome the resistance of oil thickening, otherwise the wear between components will be exacerbated due to the failure of the upper part of the engine, leading to engine damage.

所以, if the frequency of car use is low for car owners, Yi Che Hot Review recommends starting the car at least once a week. Even if the car is idling for three to five minutes, the oil can still be circulated to the engine side. Some modelsafter-sales maintenance manuals clearly indicate the engine manufacturer’s oil and maintenance oil levels.
当然, the check valve in the oil circuit is only limited to the high-pressure oil circuit of the lubrication system, or the inner cylinder of the hydraulic hose or tensioner, or the cylinder head of the stressed structure. If the car is left in place for a long time, although the oil pressure decreases, it can completely solve the lubrication effect of the next start. This is the principle of pre start protection in the main engine factory, leaving a thin oil film.

It should not be underestimated, of course, some vehicles may experience a short clicking sound when the oil pressure is not full due to improper design or the use of inferior oil filters. Most of the oil is stored in the oil pan, and the oil pump extracts the oil through the filter, which then supplies the fuel to the engine’s oil channel to lubricate all components.
The oil pump usually has a gear connected to the crankshaft. Just rotate the gear, the oil pump will start to supply oil. Even if the car is not ignited, this also ensures the safety of the vehicle. 通常, due to battery loss or other vehicle damage, it can also act as a lubricant when repeated ignition is required.

After the car starts, the oil pump will immediately start working. The function of the oil pump is to transport the oil to different parts, and the time required for this transmission is also very short, basically just a few days. Within these few seconds, the damage caused to the vehicle can be ignored.
所以, regarding whether the engine will be damaged when the car is parked and restarted for a long time, the owner does not need to worry too much, and the impact is minimal. 毕竟, there will still be the original oil residue. After starting the engine, the vehicle should idle at idle speed. The purpose of this is to gradually lubricate various parts of the engine with oil, and remember not to step on the accelerator, let alone shift gears after starting.

The idle time of the engine can be controlled for about 1-3 分钟. 确认汽车正常运行后, 车主可以缓慢而平稳地驾驶汽车. 如果汽车停放时间超过半年, 甚至超过一年, 最好在启动汽车后尽快开车到修理厂换油, 因为此时, 你的油可能已经过期, 即使您使用汽车的时间很短.