Дом » Новости » Новости отрасли » Если эта ситуация возникает, владельцы автомобилей должны обратить внимание!

Если эта ситуация возникает, владельцы автомобилей должны обратить внимание!











Я езжу каждый день, когда выхожу, но водители, которые часто ездят, особенно те, кто пожилые водители;
Не знаю, все ли сталкивались с такой проблемой: после нескольких лет использования, мощность автомобиля значительно снизится, да и расход топлива увеличится, и даже может быть резкое снижение скорости или тряска руля.












По факту, причина этих ошибок очень проста, because not properly maintaining one’s own car leads to the failure of car parts, что приводит к ряду ситуаций, таких как недостаточная мощность и высокий расход топлива.
По факту, мы должны иметь здравый смысл в обслуживании автомобиля. Например, три детали, упомянутые ниже, должны быть заменены в 60000 километров, как бы не ходили слухи.
Потому что 60000 километры это “большое препятствие” для новых автомобилей, если эти компоненты не заменены своевременно, легко оставить опасности безопасности!












Reminder to car owners: После достижения 60000 километры, these four types of parts must be replaced even if they are not damaged. Don’t be fooled by them

01. Automotive brake system

The brake pad is one of the important components of the braking system, which is very important for ensuring vehicle safety. In general, it is recommended to replace the brake pads every 40000 к 60000 километры. тем не мение, due to the different materials of the brake pads, everyone’s driving habits and driving conditions, it is necessary to check the thickness of the brake pads to determine whether to replace them. В целом, after driving 40000 километры, it can be inspected every six months. If any faults or problems are found, they should be replaced in a timely manner. В противном случае, at critical moments, brake failure can be dangerous.












02. Automotive tires

As is well known, a car has three parts, including the chassis and gearbox, but they are the only parts that come into direct contact with the ground. Obviously, the tires are heavy, supporting the entire weight of the car like four legs.
Since the tire comes into contact with the ground, it must withstand wear and tear. По факту, cars rely on the friction between the tires and the ground, and the tires wear out every time they drive.












03. Принять OEMIODM “three filters

The three filters of the car are oil filter, gasoline filter and air filter. Their purpose is to ensure the normal operation of the engine. После всего, масло, air and gasoline are the three most needed substances for engine operation. Once there are more impurities in these substances, the service life of the engine will be shortened in serious cases.












The oil filter and air filter are usually replaced during each routine maintenance; тем не мение, gasoline filters are often overlooked. Gasoline filters mainly filter out impurities present in gasoline and replace them after 20000 к 30000 kilometers of installation, while replacing them after 50000 к 70000 kilometers of installation in the fuel tank.

04. Regularly clean up carbon deposits

For most car owners, they may not be unfamiliar with car carbon deposits, but it seems that most car owners are confused about how to clean up carbon deposits.
тем не мение, for the removal of carbon deposits, as most people are not very familiar with it, most of the main parts of the car are simply not made. тем не мение, the prolonged accumulation of carbon also has a certain impact on the performance of the car.