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  汽车不仅是大多数人现代生活中不可或缺的交通工具, 也是最尖端的工业产品. 在我们普通消费者的认知中, 也有很多关于汽车的刻板印象 “传闻中”. 今天, 让我们谈谈对汽车的常见误解,看看有没有人被抓住! 1、 SUV比汽车强?? 我们一直认为高底盘会给人更多的安全感, 所以很多人认为SUV肯定比汽车安全. 从外观上, 看来SUV更 “坚硬的”. 实际上,…



      每个车主都必须知道,只有在正常的油压下,油才能及时传递到发动机的所有摩擦部位。. 如果压力过高或过低, 会影响发动机的正常工作. 在过去, 会导致发动机部件损坏, 这将导致人为地减少车辆的寿命. 所以作为车主, 当机油灯发出警报时, 他应该立即停下来找出原因, 然后他可以继续…



除了机油滤清器还有什么摩托车滤清器? 你认为有空气过滤器吗? 摩托车零件需要保养, 实际上, 它不仅是石油, 但也需要注意保养.   1. 机械过滤器定期更换机油和过滤器, 每个摩托车都知道的, 但是因为摩托车速度比汽车高, 所以换油周期比汽车短. 高速时, 缸体内会有更多的铁屑. 所以, 建议同时清洗机械过滤器…



汽车油水分离器的关键作用是分离燃油中的水分, 然后燃料将在发动机气缸中充分燃烧, 使发动机能够更好地工作. 汽油油水分离器是一种燃油滤清器, 包括膜过滤油水分离器, 亲油材料油水分离器, 无动力油水分离器, 破乳剂油水分离器, 等等. 汽车油水分离器的工作过程如下: 燃油进入过滤分离器后, 固体杂质被过滤层过滤掉. 在破乳层, 乳化油水分离. In the



排量是指活塞每冲程吸入或排出的气体体积. 活塞从最高点向最低点运动所产生的气体体积成为气缸排量; 如果发动机有多个气缸, 所有气缸的气体体积总和成为发动机排量. 一般以升表示 (升). 发动机排量是最重要的结构参数之一. 它比汽缸直径和汽缸数更能代表发动机的大小. Many of the engine’s indicators are closely related to the



  在过去的几年里, 空调滤芯的作用只是过滤杂质和灰尘, 保护蒸发器, 并用手吸收异味. 空气舱滤芯的选择和何时更换空气舱滤芯必须根据当地的使用环境来确定, 空气舱滤芯的选择和何时更换空气舱滤芯必须根据当地的使用环境来确定, 大多数车主认为延长更换空调滤芯和空气滤清器的周期可以降低用车成本. 他们在4S店或维修店经常听到的一句话是你帮我用气枪吹, 下次我会更换. 然而, 随着越来越多的新材料应用于汽车领域,…



机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式. 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式, 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式. 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式. 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式, 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式, 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式, 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式, 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式, 等等. 机油滤清器分为全流式和分流式. 的功能…



The gasoline filter of a gasoline engine is located on the outlet side of the fuel transfer pump, and the working pressure is relatively high, and a metal casing is usually used. The filter element of the gasoline filter mostly uses filter paper, and there are also gasoline filters that use nylon cloth and polymer materials. The main function of the gasoline filter is to filter out impurities in the gasoline.     燃油滤清器的作用是阻止颗粒物, water and impurities in the fuel, and to ensure that the precision parts of the



  门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途. 门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途 (门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途, 门窗密封条的用途) 门窗密封条的用途. 门窗密封条的用途 (门窗密封条的用途), 门窗密封条的用途. The glass sealing strip is used for the sealing between the glass



  When many car owners and friends go to the 4S shop for maintenance, they may have heard the terms of air filter, 机器过滤器, steam filter, and air conditioning filter from the reception staff and maintenance technicians, but the names are very similar, and they all have Each has different maintenance periods and features, and the prices are also different, so it is often easy to confuse them and make the difference unclear.     1. Machine filter (full name oil filter) The machine filter is mainly composed of filter paper, sealing ring, backflow suppression valve, overflow valve


Do you know which industries are the main applications of silicone tubes?

  The raw material of the silicone tube is silicone rubber, which is a product made of silicone rubber after a certain process and in accordance with professional requirements. Its appearance is generally translucent, with black, red, white and other colors, which can withstand high temperatures and low temperatures. It is a new type of polymer material, which is not easy to deform under strong pressure and has strong plasticity. There are many aspects to the use of silicone tube, let’s take a look at it in detail below.     1. The use of transportation occupations In the
