Casa » notizia » Novità del settore » Ringraziamento – una vacanza piena di gratitudine e amore

Ringraziamento – una vacanza piena di gratitudine e amore

Ti sei mai sentito grato per un sorriso caloroso, un caro saluto, e aiuto disinteressato? C'è un momento in cui vuoi esprimere la tua gratitudine alle persone intorno a te?

Il Ringraziamento ha origine dalla storia tra puritani e nativi americani nell'America del XVII secolo.
In 1621, i pellegrini nella colonia di Plymouth del Massachusetts nel Nuovo Mondo d'America hanno tenuto una grande festa per ringraziare i nativi americani per il loro aiuto, festeggiare un raccolto abbondante.
La designazione ufficiale di questo giorno come Ringraziamento risale al 1863, durante la guerra civile americana, when President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday, hoping to boost national morale during the turmoil.
With the advancement of globalization, cultures of various countries are gradually popularized in our country. Ringraziamento, as an important holiday in the United States and Canada, has gradually been introduced to our country with the exchanges between the two countries and other countries.
The core values of Thanksgiving are gratitude and love, which also resonate in our country.

During Thanksgiving, people can take this opportunity to gather with their families, share delicious food, talk about past events, and bring each other closer.
The delicacies of Thanksgiving, such as turkey, pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, eccetera., have attracted the interest of many Chinese diners.
These specialty foods have gradually become a part of China’s holiday diet, making Thanksgiving more attractive in our country.
With the popularity of Thanksgiving in China, businesses have also seized this opportunity to carry out promotional activities.
Various holiday gifts, promotional activities, and the creation of a festive atmosphere have made Thanksgiving increasingly popular in China.
During Thanksgiving, people enhance friendship and expand their social circle by giving gifts, dining together, greeting, and other means. This social interaction also makes Thanksgiving an outlet for people to express gratitude.