Baile » Nuacht (Leathanach 2)

Fógra saoire Lá Saothair

Dia dhaoibh, custaiméirí: Go raibh maith agat as do thacaíocht leanúnach agus muinín i 2024. Our company will have a 5-day holiday from May 1st to May 5th (gnáth-obair ar 28 Aibreán agus 11 Bealtaine). Seolfar orduithe a dhéanfar le linn na tréimhse seo ar an 6 Bealtaine. Gabhaimid leithscéal as aon mhíchaoithiúlacht a tharla le linn na tréimhse saoire! Go raibh maith agaibh go léir as bhur dtacaíocht agus muinín leanúnach. Guímid Lá Saothair sona ar gach duine!

Leigh Nios mo

Cad ba cheart dom a dhéanamh má tá boladh láidir taobh istigh d'fheithiclí sa samhradh?

In the scorching summer, after vehicles are exposed to the scorching sun, the problem of odor inside the car troubles every car enthusiast, making people frown. Don’t worry, today we’ll talk about how to use some clever methods to make this unpleasant odor disappear. 1. Ventilation method: the power of nature Firstly, let’s use the oldest yet most effective method – aeráil. Imagine you are a knight, and the odor inside the car is a dragon. All you need to do is open the windows and doors, and let theholy light” – the natural winddrive it

Leigh Nios mo

Conarthaí Scagaire Congben “Ceithre huaire” Glaineacht agus Cúram do Charranna Grá

For those who have cars, cars have become companions for travel, spending an average of 4 hours with them every day. Not only is the air inside the car important to us, but we also need to care about the health of the car owner. So what is the guarantee for all of this? A filter can provide four layers of clean care for the car.   First priority: Congben oil filter ensures smooth engine operation and longer lifespan. The combustion process produces dust particles and combustion residues, which may enter the engine oil. The oil filter can remove

Leigh Nios mo

Fógra saoire Qingming Festival

To all departments of the group company: According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Partial Holidays in 2024, and in combination with the actual situation of the company’s operation, the relevant matters regarding theQingming Festivalholiday in 2024 are hereby notified as follows: Am saoire: From April 4th (Thursday) to April 6th (Dé Sathairn), 2024, there will be a 3-day compensatory leave. I will start work normally on April 7th (Domhnach). Customers in urgent need of orders, please contact us in advance to order production. Thank you for your understanding.

Leigh Nios mo

Cad a tharlóidh mura gcuirtear an scagaire carr in ionad?

Car filters play a crucial role in vehicle operation, as they are responsible for filtering impurities from the air, fuel, and engine oil entering the engine to ensure its normal operation. If the car filter is not replaced for a long time, it will have a series of negative effects on the car: Ar dtús, not replacing the filter can lead to poor engine intake, as the air filter can be blocked by impurities such as dust and sand after long-term use, making it difficult for the engine to obtain sufficient clean air, resulting in weak acceleration and insufficient power….

Leigh Nios mo

Conas uisce a dhraenáil ón deighilteoir ola-uisce díosail

Socraítear an deighilteoir ola-uisce ar fheithiclí díosail chun barrachas uisce a bhaint. Mar sin, conas an deighilteoir uisce breosla díosail a oibriú i gceart chun uisce a dhraenáil? Seo roinnt céimeanna: 1. Ar dtús, páirceáil an fheithicil ar dhromchla bóthair atá sábháilte agus cothrom agus cinntigh go bhfuil an fheithicil múchta. Ansin, tarraing amach píopa asraon ola an scagaire díosail ón inneall. 2. Ar Aghaidh, dún clúdach an eilimint scagaire díosail chun aon neamhíonachtaí seachtracha a chosc ó dhul isteach. 3. Bain úsáid as eochair chun calafort sceite an eilimint scagaire díosail a oscailt, paying attention to maintaining

Leigh Nios mo

Tá Féile Ceannaigh an Mhárta ar tí tosú!

Aird, custaiméirí nua agus sean Tá Féile Ceannaigh an Mhárta ag teacht go luath, Díoltar níos mó ná deich míle cineál scagairí ar phraghsanna an-íseal, Díolacháin dhíreacha ón monarcha, soláthar céadláimhe, Tacaíocht saincheaptha, Custaiméirí i ngátar, déan teagmháil linn le do thoil chun ordú a dhéanamh

Leigh Nios mo

Fógra Saoire!

Custaiméir a chara Tá ár gcuideachta ar saoire ó 5 Feabhra go 17 Feabhra. Is féidir leat d’ordú a dhéanamh de ghnáth le linn na saoire, agus déanfaimid íocaíocht agus long de réir an ordaithe. Chun aon mhoill maidir le do chuid earraí a fháil a sheachaint, socraigh le do thoil chomh luath agus is féidir. Le linn na tréimhse saoire, leanfaimid ag soláthar seirbhísí comhairliúcháin. Guíonn gach fostaí de chuid Hebei Congben gnó rathúil agus Bliain an Dragon rathúil duit!

Leigh Nios mo