» 消息 (页 14)


  空调滤芯褶皱数量错误 大多数车主在打开新的空调芯时可以直接看到空调滤芯的褶皱数量. 他们可能认为皱纹越多, 空调滤芯的过滤性能越好. 实际上, 决定滤芯性能的主要因素有两个. 首先是空调滤芯过滤材料的过滤性能. 对于过滤面积相同,过滤材料不同的产品, 它们的过滤效率, 容灰量,…



对a褶数的误解 / C滤芯 大部分车主可能会直观地看到A滤芯的皱纹 / C元素在打开新a的那一刻 / C元素, 并且可能认为皱纹越多, A的过滤性能越好 / C元素. 实际上, 有两个主要因素决定 A 的性能 / C滤芯. 首先是A滤料的过滤性能 / C元素. 对于过滤面积相同,过滤材料不同的产品,…



Dear domestic and foreign customers:   The September foreign trade Festival is coming. 我们有超过 1000 value-added products for you to buy. If you need to buy, you can contact us for consultation, and the quantity is more favorable!  



Dear customers and partners: In order to fully cooperate with various epidemic prevention and control policies and block the spread of the epidemic, our company has made the following arrangements based on the actual situation of the epidemic and the company’s research and decision: 1. All employees of the company implement home office management during the epidemic control period. 2. During home stay, in order to ensure the normal operation of the company and guarantee the supply and quality, our company will adhere to the communication principle ofeverything has a response, and everything has a placeto ensure
