Baile » Nuacht (Leathanach 14)

Anailís ar do mhíthuiscint faoi scagaire aerchóirithe

Smaoineamh mícheart ar uimhir pleat a / C filter element Most car owners may intuitively see the wrinkles of the A / C eilimint nuair a osclaítear an a / C eilimint, agus féadfaidh sé smaoineamh go bhfuil an wrinkles níos mó, is amhlaidh is fearr feidhmíocht scagtha an A / C eilimint. Go deimhin, tá dhá phríomhfhachtóir ann a chinneann feidhmíocht an A / C eilimint scagaire. Is é an chéad cheann ná feidhmíocht scagtha ábhar scagaire an A / C eilimint. I gcás táirgí leis an limistéar scagtha céanna agus ábhair scagtha éagsúla,…

Leigh Nios mo

Fógra tábhachtach!

Dear customers and partners: In order to fully cooperate with various epidemic prevention and control policies and block the spread of the epidemic, our company has made the following arrangements based on the actual situation of the epidemic and the company’s research and decision: 1. All employees of the company implement home office management during the epidemic control period. 2. During home stay, in order to ensure the normal operation of the company and guarantee the supply and quality, our company will adhere to the communication principle ofeverything has a response, and everything has a placeto ensure

Leigh Nios mo

Scagaire ola inneall atá neamhdhíobhálach don chomhshaol, todhchaí an domhain

Scagaire ola inneall atá neamhdhíobhálach don chomhshaol, the future of the earth In recent years, leis an togra ar théama chosaint an chomhshaoil, tá an-tóir ar an eilimint scagaire ola inneall atá neamhdhíobhálach don chomhshaol, agus bhuaigh go leor úinéirí gluaisteán i bhfabhar leis na buntáistí a bhaineann le saor agus díghrádú éasca. Environmental friendly paper engine oil filter element At present, tá na heilimintí scagaire ola inneall atá neamhdhíobhálach don chomhshaol a tháirgtear ag ár gcuideachta beagnach mar an gcéanna leo siúd atá ag monaróirí móra i dtéarmaí cuma agus cáilíochta. Giorraíonn an líne táirgeachta uathoibríoch an timthriall soláthair, and our partners do not

Leigh Nios mo

Grianstad an tsamhraidh, teocht ard agus teas ar fud na talún; oiriúntóir aer, ligean duit samhradh fionnuar a bheith agat

Meaning of summer solstice The summer solstice is the 10th of the 24 solar terms. Dou Zhi Wu; Solar yellow longitude 90 °; The festival will be held from June 21 chun 22 of the Gregorian calendar. On the summer solstice, the position where the sun shines directly on the ground reaches the northernmost point of the year, almost directly on the Tropic of cancer. Ag an am seo, the daytime time in all parts of the northern hemisphere reaches the longest in the whole year. For the Tropic of cancer and its northern regions, the summer solstice is also

Leigh Nios mo