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In legend The ancients believed that adults and children were in poor health It’s because of evil spirits These evil spirits are very afraid of Chidou At the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month People cook porridge with red beans In order to dispel the epidemic and welcome the good fortune This custom has been handed down gradually Special Materials for Laba Porridge Some practices are delicate and complicated Such as yellow rice, white rice and rice And peeled jujube paste After cooking Dye porridge noodles with red peach kernels It looks pleasant to the eyes The


2023 中国の旧正月休暇のお知らせ

愛するパートナー: 私の通知があなたを見つけることを願っています. の春祭り 2023 接近している, まず第一に、あなたのサポートに感謝します 2022 フェスティバルとのより良い協力のために注文の効果的な実施を確実にするため, 生産スケジュールや外注業者の休日状況に応じて, our company’s annual leave and order arrangements are as follows: 休日の手配: 2023.01.13~2023.1.28 Order schedule-Formal custom orders and non-stock orders: 1.For orders that need to be shipped before holiday, please place an order before December 13th 2.Orders received after December 13th will be processed as soon as possible according
