Baile » Nuacht » Nuacht Cuideachta (Leathanach 2)

Fógra saoire Qingming Festival

To all departments of the group company: According to the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on the Arrangement of Partial Holidays in 2024, and in combination with the actual situation of the company’s operation, the relevant matters regarding theQingming Festivalholiday in 2024 are hereby notified as follows: Am saoire: From April 4th (Thursday) to April 6th (Dé Sathairn), 2024, there will be a 3-day compensatory leave. I will start work normally on April 7th (Domhnach). Customers in urgent need of orders, please contact us in advance to order production. Thank you for your understanding.

Leigh Nios mo

Tá Féile Ceannaigh an Mhárta ar tí tosú!

Aird, custaiméirí nua agus sean Tá Féile Ceannaigh an Mhárta ag teacht go luath, Díoltar níos mó ná deich míle cineál scagairí ar phraghsanna an-íseal, Díolacháin dhíreacha ón monarcha, soláthar céadláimhe, Tacaíocht saincheaptha, Custaiméirí i ngátar, déan teagmháil linn le do thoil chun ordú a dhéanamh

Leigh Nios mo

Fógra Saoire!

Custaiméir a chara Tá ár gcuideachta ar saoire ó 5 Feabhra go 17 Feabhra. Is féidir leat d’ordú a dhéanamh de ghnáth le linn na saoire, agus déanfaimid íocaíocht agus long de réir an ordaithe. Chun aon mhoill maidir le do chuid earraí a fháil a sheachaint, socraigh le do thoil chomh luath agus is féidir. Le linn na tréimhse saoire, leanfaimid ag soláthar seirbhísí comhairliúcháin. Guíonn gach fostaí de chuid Hebei Congben gnó rathúil agus Bliain an Dragon rathúil duit!

Leigh Nios mo

Fógra faoi mhúchadh Fhéile an Earraigh!

Comhpháirtí a chara: Dia dhuit! Agus Féile an Earraigh ag druidim agus tá iompar loighistic daingean, cuirfear ar fionraí é i gceantair i bhfad i gcéin tar éis Eanáir 30, 2024. Chun nach gcuirfear isteach ar do ghnáthúsáid mar gheall ar lóistíocht, moltar duit do phlean stocála d’Fhéile an Earraigh a ullmhú chomh luath agus is féidir. Go raibh maith agat as do mhuinín agus do thacaíocht leanúnach inár gcuideachta! Feistis Feithicle Hebei Congben Co., Teo

Leigh Nios mo

Féile Laba inniu, Guím gach rud “Congee” ort

Tar éis Laba, is Athbhliain í, Bliain, bliain, teacht le chéile amháin. Mar an lae inniu, Tháinig go leor nósanna traidisiúnta slán le linn Fhéile Laba. The most important of them is none other than Drink Laba Congee Because it carries Everyone’s expectations for a better life Today’s Laba Drink a bowl of fragrant Laba Congee It’s this festival The most important “sense of ceremony” A strong New Year flavor It’s also in the steaming Congee fragrance Rich and full-bodied They all said they had Laba Congee In the new year, everything will be “Congee” Counting nine severe colds A bowl of

Leigh Nios mo

Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Duit, Athbhliain faoi Mhaise ~

Today is the last working day of 2023, New Year’s Day, the 3-day long holiday, is coming soon. Are you ready for how to celebrate the New Year? All employees of Hebei Congben Vehicle Fittings wish everyone a happy New Year’s Day in advance~ 2024 brings abundant financial luck and good luck!  

Leigh Nios mo

Fógra Coigeartaithe Praghsanna

Dear customer Thank you for your long-term trust and support in our company. We have established a good cooperative relationship and played a positive role in promoting the development of the company! Due to environmental protection issues limiting production, the recent increase in raw material prices and labor costs has led to a sharp increase in the cost of various products in our factory. Our company has taken various measures to cope with the constantly rising costs, but we still cannot bear the cost pressure. In order to ensure the healthy and stable development of the company and continue

Leigh Nios mo