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에어 캐빈 필터, 에어 캐빈 필터?

작년에, 에어 캐빈 필터 요소의 기능은 불순물과 먼지를 걸러내는 것뿐이었습니다., 증발기를 보호하고 기간 동안 독특한 냄새를 흡수. 재미있게, 그 때 당시, 대부분의 자동차 소유자는 에어 캐빈 필터 요소와 에어 필터의 교체 주기를 연장하면 자동차 사용 비용을 줄일 수 있다고 생각했습니다.. 4S 매장이나 수리점에서 자주 듣는 문장은 – 공기총으로 날 수 있도록 도와주시면 다음에 교체하겠습니다.. 하나, 점점 더 많은 신소재가 자동차 분야에 적용됨에 따라, the environmental problems in the vehicle are paid more and more attention.

It should be noted that for the air cabin filter element, HEPA filter element is only effective in filtering small particles, such as PM2 5。 하나, this kind of filter element has no obvious effect on peculiar smell and harmful gas. 따라서, it needs to be mixed with other filter materials.



우리 생활에서 많이 사용되는 부직포, 마스크와 같은, 기저귀, 가정용 가구 및 의류. 하나, when it is used as the filter layer of the air cabin filter element, 먼지만 걸러낼 수 있다, 자갈, 캣킨스, 기타. 이상 5 μ M particles have no obvious effect on harmful gases and peculiar smell. 부직포 필터의 가격이 비교적 저렴, but it is not recommended to use in the face of the current complex environment.



Bamboo fiber is a natural fiber made of cellulose extracted from bamboo. It is mostly used in clothing, 매트 및 기타 가정용품. As the main filter layer of filter element, it is not very popular, and the market penetration rate of bamboo fiber air conditioning filter element is not high. 내부 구조면에서, its filtration principle and effect are similar to those of non-woven fabrics. 하나, because the unique bamboo Kun in bamboo fiber has the functions of bacteriostasis, mite prevention, odor prevention and insect prevention, the treatment of odor by using bamboo fiber as air cabin filter element is slightly stronger than that of non-woven fabric.




Activated carbon filter element is the most common air cabin filter element in the market. Active carbon filter element accounts for a large proportion in both the original factory and the aftermarket. Due to the internal voids generated during the conversion of organic materials into activated carbon, these voids are the filter layer for adsorbing gas. When activated carbon should be used in the air cabin filter element, it can adsorb harmful gases in the vehicle, 하지만 그 과정이 비교적 길다.



광촉매의 유도체로, 냉촉매는 새로운 유형의 공기 정화 재료입니다.. 라는 단어를 참고하세요 “정화” 여기에서 사용됩니다. 포름알데히드 때, 공기 중 톨루엔 및 TVOC는 위 5 ℃와 40% 습기, 차가운 촉매는 효과적으로 공기 중의 산소와 반응하고 정화를 완료하도록 촉진할 수 있습니다. 저온 촉매는 일종의 촉매 산화제이기 때문에, 위의 유해 가스와 직접 반응하지 않습니다., 그래서 그 효과가 더 오래 지속됩니다..

At this stage, most of the cold catalyst filter elements use HEPA filter paper. 사실로, this combination is very suitable for North and South car owners, whether dealing with PM2 5 is still harmful gas, and the performance of the cold catalyst filter element will not be too bad. 하나, 저온 촉매의 모델링 문제로 인해, 환기에 영향을 미칠 것입니다.




Nano mineral crystal is also a newly emerging air purification material, but it is not widely used in air conditioning filter elements. 현재, only several emerging air conditioning filter elements on the network are used. The reason is nothing more than the cost factor. Nano mineral crystals are formed through the reasonable configuration of non-metallic natural minerals. Their internal pores are several times that of activated carbon, and they are nano-sized, which has a miraculous effect on adsorbing nano-sized harmful gas molecules.

Nano mineral crystals can be desorbed above 45 ℃, 그건, the reverse process of adsorption. 재료를 재사용할 수 있도록. 물론이야, the activated carbon mentioned above can also be desorbed under specific conditions, but the conditions are relatively harsh. The nano mineral crystal filter element only needs to be exposed to the sun.




나는 이 이름이 당신에게 매우 낯설을 것이라고 믿습니다.. It is a new face in the field of household purifier and air cabin filter element. 사실로, hymanp can be directly understood as a kind of composite modified ceramic particles, whose shape is similar to the nano mineral crystals mentioned above, and the filtration principle is also to produce oxidation catalytic reaction with harmful gases in the air, so as to purify the air.

요컨대, the selection of air-cabin filter element and when to replace the air-cabin filter element must be determined according to the local use environment.